A Scent for Spring: Petitgrain Essential Oil
“Bursting with positivity, Petitgrain will boost feelings of joy and bravery when facing a challenge and help promote hope and calm.”
Petitgrain Essential Oil
Petitgrain bigarade (Citrus aurantium var. amara) essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree, aka the Seville orange tree.
The bitter orange tree generously gives us not only Petitgrain bigarade essential oil but also Neroli oil from the orange blossoms and bitter orange oil expressed from the fruit rind.
Scent: Petitgrain’s perfume is leafy-green, subtly floral, with some citrus notes. To me, it’s liquid spring green.
Emotional/Energetic Aromatherapeutic Properties:
Petitgrain is uplifting, balancing, and calming.
The essential oil is often used in blends for anxiety and stress. One of the main chemical constituents in Petitgrain, linalyl acetate, has a balancing and stabilizing effect on the autonomic nervous system.
Petitgrain may support improved vitality and reduce feelings of mental fatigue.
On a more subtle level, the fresh, stimulating aroma of petitgrain gives us the strength and courage to take the next step, particularly when we are feeling vulnerable.
Blends well with: lavender, geranium, rosemary, neroli, orange & other citrus essential oils
Topical Safety Status: non-skin irritant, non-sensitizing
Spring Dream Diffuser Blend
This diffuser blend is inspired by petrichor - the scent created when rain falls on dry soil. I have been diffusing it every day in my living room and love the fresh, spring scent. I hope that you love it as much as I do!
Add the following essential oils to your diffuser:
4 drops Petitgrain bigarade (Citrus aurantium)
2 drops lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
2 drops lemon (Citrus limon)
If you would like to have an earthy note to the blend, try adding one drop of vetiver essential oil.
Diffusing Tip: Always diffuse essential oils intermittently. Do not run your essential oil diffuser all day long. It is best to diffuse for 30 – 60 minutes and then 30 – 60 minutes off. This is more effective as both our bodies and our nervous system habituate to essential oils after this time.
Schnaubelt, K. (1999) Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils. Frog Books.
Tisserand, R & Young, R. (2014) Essential Oil Safety. London: Churchill Livingstone
Worwood, V. (1996). The Fragrant Mind. California: New World Library.
Do not take essential oils internally and do not apply undiluted on the skin. Always consult a professional aromatherapist if you have medical conditions. Use caution when using essential oils with children.