Revealing your luminous essence
Captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this image reveals previously obscured areas of star birth.
I am exploring 12 words this year - one every month to savour. You can think of each blog post in this series as a mini-guide, connected to the season and full of both the magical & the practical. This month, explore the word LUMINOUS. There are also online rest circles for you to attend. I’d love to have you join!
Meaning: Full of light, shining, bright, brilliant, radiant, glowing
When you hear the word luminous, what do you see?
Shimmering stars in the night sky? The glow of a candle burning? The face of a loved one? Your favourite place in nature?
Try saying the word out loud.
How does it feel in your body?
Honestly, I feel a bit of excitement when I say it. It’s a word that I would use to cast a spell.
I've been contemplating this word for some time now.
Here are four insights that I’ve distilled:
We are born luminous.
It’s in us. Every atom of oxygen in our lungs, of carbon in our muscles, of calcium in our bones, of iron in our blood - was created inside a star before Earth was born.
Our luminosity is always there.
I unexpectedly met my most luminous self while going through breast cancer treatment in 2019.
During this time, I turned away from toxic productivity culture, rested deeply, and took a dive into my inner landscape.
There, I discovered my wise luminous self - the essence of who I am - which I had neglected in the busyness of my life.
It’s in you too, this radiance.
It doesn’t depend on health or strength or even mental peace as the poet Danna Faulds writes so eloquently. You can read her incredible poem below.
We are most luminous when we reveal our whole self.
As I write this, I look at a shimmering geode on my desk. What makes it luminous is how the various sides catch the light.
It is multi-faceted, like me and you.
The more I love, tend to, and express all parts of myself, the more luminous I am.
To be whole is to be luminous.
There is a reciprocity with luminosity.
I’ve noticed that when I am in the presence of other people shining their light, I shine too. This happens with non-human beings as well - like a favourite place in nature or a pet. There is a flow - an exchange - of luminosity back and forth that is magic.
Have you felt it?
I hope that you’ll enjoy this month’s exploration.
Reflections on Luminous
We are made of star stuff.
The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.
-Carl Sagan
Inner Light
The inner light is always with me.
When I slip beneath the agitated
surface of the mind, I find it,
like a fragment of the Big Bang,
still glowing. This energy doesn't
depend on health or strength or
even mental peace. It isn't a
product of belief, nor is it "me" in
any egocentric way of speaking.
The inner light is always there,
waiting to be felt and seen, waiting
for me to release it through my
choice to be still and recognize
its presence. The illumination
grows the more I let it go. Like
radiant heat it flows out of me,
flows from my whole being
without leaving me depleted.
We're all like this - whether we
know it yet or not - tiny stars,
glowing in the dark.
~ by Danna Faulds
I invite you to abandon your efforts to fix yourself and instead reclaim your innate beauty and worth as a luminous cell in the body of Mother Earth."
-Mirabai Starr
Sometimes, when I fear
the small light I bring
isn’t big enough or bright
enough, I think of that night
on the beach years ago
when every step I took
in the cool wet sand turned
a glowing, iridescent blue—
and the waves themselves
were a flashing greenish hue—
imagine we could do
what 7.9 billion
one-celled plankton can do—
can shine when it’s dark,
can shine when agitated,
can shine with our own
inner light and trust when we all
bring the tiny light we have,
it’s enough to illumine the next step
in the long stretch of night.
-Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Prompts for deeper reflection
What is your relationship to luminous?
Take some time to reflect on these questions.
What does "luminous" mean to me, and how do I perceive it in myself and others?
How do I honor and celebrate the uniqueness and authenticity of my luminous self?
When have I felt most connected with my luminosity? What activities, environments, or relationships evoke this feeling within me?
How do I nurture and cultivate my luminous self on a daily basis?
What practices or rituals help me reconnect with my luminous self when I feel disconnected or overwhelmed?
What parts of yourself do you want to tend to, love, or express more?
How does the idea of being made of stardust prompt me to reconsider my relationship with the natural world and other living beings?
How does engaging with the luminosity in nature, through activities like stargazing or forest bathing, enhance my well-being and sense of belonging in the world?
How might incorporating the concept of reciprocal luminosity between myself and other human and non-human beings influence my daily practices and decisions?
A Simple Practice
Reconnecting with your Luminous Self
The most delicious way I know to reconnect with the luminous essence of me is through rest.
Experience deep rest with my free Yoga Nidra meditation that is inspired by the beehive in my backyard. As you settle into deep relaxation, let the golden nectar of honey nourish you. Emerge renewed and connected to yourself and the honeycomb of life.
A Luminous Scent
Lemon essential oil is a delightful aromatic spa for the brain.
-Robbi Zeck.
With its bright citrus aroma, Lemon essential oil instantly uplifts your spirits and clears away stress. Just a few drops can boost your energy, sharpen your focus, and bring balance to your emotion. One study found that smelling bergamot, lavender, and lemon essential oils helps trigger your brain to release serotonin and dopamine.
To learn more about lemon essential oil, read the blog post: A Scent for Pandemic Brain.
Luminous Lemon Diffuser Blend
This is probably one of my favourite diffuser blends for an uplifting, luminous vibe.
4 Lemon Oil (Citrus limon)
4 drops Geranium Oil(Pogostemon cablin)
Fill your diffuser with water according to its instructions.
Add the specified drops of Lemon & Geranium essential oils.
Turn on the diffuser. Always diffuse intermittently - 30 minutes on and 60 minutes off.
We are stardust. We are golden.
-Joni Mitchell