The Blog:
Nourishment for Life
Recipes, Rest & Pleasure Practices
for your wild and precious life
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Interconnection with Nature: A Grounding Force in an Off-Kilter World
In this post, you’ll find a blend of elements: a reflection on bare trees, a poem, a simple rest practice, and a grounding scent to deepen your sense of interconnection with the natural world.

Autumn’s Invitation: Embracing Letting Go
In this season, where the landscape guides us in the art of letting go, you'll find a reflection, a poem, journaling prompts, and a scent to help you explore more deeply.

Redefining Older: A Time for Nourishment
This month’s word is OLDER. Check out the blog to discover the surprising root of its meaning. And connect with the word “old(er)” through a poem, prompts for deeper reflection, and a scent called Old Growth.

Embracing Cauldron Time: The Importance of Idleness
In our busy lives, where the noise of daily life often drowns out the subtle voice of our inner selves, taking "cauldron time" can be a transformative practice.

Stop and smell the roses
This month, discover the beauty, magic, and medicine of the rose with a poem, reflective prompts, and a rose petal bath salt recipe.

Discovering the Magic of Spirals
This month, connect to the universal symbol of the spiral. It’s everywhere!

Viriditas: Discover & renew the greening of you
This month, discover & renew the greening of you - through poetry, reflections, journaling prompts, a nature bathing practice, and scent. Viriditas flows in you.

Revealing your luminous essence
This month, explore being luminous - through poetry, reflections, journaling prompts, yoga nidra meditation, and scent. It’s in your cells.

Listening: Rediscovering connection in a noisy world
This month, explore listening and rediscover connection - to yourself, to others, and the Earth.

Nourishing Stillness
I am exploring 12 words this year - one every month to savour. Each blog post is a mini-guide, connected to the season and full of both the magical & the practical. This month, nourish stillness with poetry, reflection, an indoor nature bathing practice, and a scent exploration.

A Scent for Comfort & Joy: Red Mandarin Essential Oil
Infuse comfort and joy at home with Red Mandarin essential oil. Discover three aromatic benefits and create your own relaxing bath salts for gifting or holiday self-care.

November's Arrival: Three easy rituals to embrace shorter days
Surrender to the darkening season by welcoming comfort and cozy into your home. Discover three simple rituals to embrace November.

The Power of Touchstones: Grounding Tips for the Season
Here we are at the doorway to Autumn, a season of transition. What can you do to support yourself as you journey into this new season? In this blog post, we’ll explore the magic of touchstones and how they can help us navigate this seasonal shift.

Creating Tranquility: Lavender diffuser blends
In this blog post, I’m sharing my favourite lavender diffuser blends that can transform your home into a haven of tranquility.

A Calming Breath Practice with Scent
As we enter more deeply into the Spring season, you can use the scents around you to enhance this simple and powerful breath practice.

Spring Gratitude Practice
This Spring, I invite you to experience this simple practice as a way to offer gratitude for the small and the ordinary. Children will love it too. It might be fun to share this with your loved ones at the supper table or at bedtime.

DIY Body Scrubs
As winter draws to an end, it seems like a great time to exfoliate the whole body – as a way to enliven and wake up the body.

Everyday Labyrinth: A rest ritual for the year
What would it be like to walk the labyrinth throughout the year - perhaps everyday or a few times a week? Let’s discover together how regularly walking the labyrinth impacts our bodies, our hearts, our stress levels, and our lives.

Creating Cozy
Artist Christine Hamilton and I talk about the significance of creating cozy, particularly at this time of year. She shares a beautiful way to eat breakfast as we wake up in darkness.

Creative Time is Sacred Time
Before I even met Christine Hamilton, I had a feeling that we would be friends. I sat down with her recently to discuss the sacredness of creativity and how it nourishes her.