Discovering the Magic of Spirals
I am exploring 12 words this year - one every month to savour. You can think of each blog post in this series as a mini-guide, connected to the season and full of both the magical & the practical. This month, explore the word SPIRAL. There is also an online rest circles for you to attend. I’d love to have you join!
Spirals are everywhere.
The spiral – a graceful curve around a central point – is not just a shape; it's a universal phenomenon.
It can be found everywhere:
In the delicate structure of a snail’s shell,
In the unique whorls of our fingerprints,
In the swirl of draining water,
Even in the vast expanses of giant galaxies in the sky,
And intricately woven into the double helix of our DNA.
Humans have been captivated by spirals for millennia. Petroglyphs etched with spiral motifs date back as far as 10,000 years ago.
But what does the spiral represent?
The spiral is more than just a geometric shape; it's a profound symbol with layers of meaning:
For some, the spiral embodies the life force energy that flows through all living beings.
Carl Jung recognized the spiral as an archetypal symbol representing the cosmic force that shapes the universe.
Spirals are intricately connected to the cycles of nature, symbolizing growth, change, and the cyclical journey of life.
They are a symbol of wholeness, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the inherent unity of the universe.
Our journey through life is not a linear path but a spiral one.
Each revolution of the spiral invites us to delve deeper into our understanding, to revisit and reinterpret our experiences, and to find healing and wisdom in the continuous cycle of growth and transformation.
Nourish yourself
A poem, some prompts, a rest practice, and a scent
A Spiral Poem
And if they tried
to match the whirl
of my fingerprint,
they’d learn my true
identity is galaxy,
close cousin to the fern,
and sister to the nautilus.
They’d learn I’m most definitely
guilty of Fibonacci.
I leave evidence
invisible swirls,
reminders that I,
too, am hurricane,
eddy, whirlpool,
and sunflower head.
I have been marked
like the pinecone,
spiraling out from the center,
and there’s nothing
I won’t touch.
-Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Prompts for deeper reflection
Take some time to reflect on these questions.
Reflect on the cyclical nature of the spiral. Are there recurring themes or patterns in your life that resemble the spiraling motion? How do these repetitions shape your understanding of your journey?
Consider the interplay between the inner and outer aspects of the spiral. How do your internal experiences and external circumstances influence each other as you journey through life?
Reflect on the idea of perspective within the spiral metaphor. How does shifting your perspective or vantage point change your understanding of your life journey?
A Rest Practice
A Spiral Treasure Hunt
Take a walk outside - in your neighbourhood or a park or further afield.
Look for spirals in nature. You may find them in flowers, plants, shells, and pinecones.
Take some time to notice the intricacy of the spiral and the direction of the path. You may want to try following the spiral path with your finger.
Complete your spiral treasure hunt by creating one yourself! You can do this inside your home or outside too.
You can use natural materials (shells, pinecones, flower petals) to create a spiral or even lego!
You may want to pay attention and play with the colors and textures of your spiral.
If you make one, share a photo with me:
A Scent for the Spiral Journey
Ginger essential oil serves as an ideal companion for the spiral journey through life.
Its warm and invigorating scent provides a comforting anchor during times of uncertainty, helping to instill courage and confidence as you navigate the twists and turns of life's path.
Known for its warm and invigorating aroma, ginger oil has a stimulating effect on the mind, helping to promote mental clarity, focus, and alertness.
Spiral Journey Blend
This harmonious scent uplifts the spirit and instills a sense of confidence and inner peace.
3 drops Ginger essential oil
2 drops Patchouli essential oil
2 drops Bergamot essential oil
Fill your diffuser with water according to its instructions.
Add the specified drops of essential oils.
Turn on the diffuser. Always diffuse intermittently - 30 minutes on and 60 minutes off.