February 12: Full Moon Rest Circle
Wednesday, February 12
7:00 to 8:00 p.m. M.T.
Theme: I Dwell in Possibility
Rest in the spaciousness of possibility with the February Full Moon.
Experience the quiet power of dwelling - not in urgency or expectation, but in the tender expansiveness of what could be. Through guided rest and reflection, you are invited to trust in the beauty of your own unfolding.
This rest circle includes:
a short rest practice to begin
a nourishing aromatic anointing ritual
deep rest with a 35-minute yoga nidra that gently connects you to the quiet seeds of possibility that are resting and dreaming within you
quiet time to journal and reflect
a community of women resting together - whether you join live or listen to the replay
The Rest Circle is held online through Zoom, so you can rest in the cozy comfort of your own home.
More information
When you sign up for the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link.
After the Rest Circle, you’ll get access to an online portal to receive:
the yoga nidra recording
Getting Started: A Guide to Daring to Rest yoga nidra
Rest Rituals the month
How does sliding scale pricing work?
There is sliding scale pricing for my rest circles. It’s important to me that my rest circles are accessible. Please have a look at this image to determine where you fall on the sliding scale.
Wednesday, February 12
7:00 to 8:00 p.m. M.T.
Theme: I Dwell in Possibility
Rest in the spaciousness of possibility with the February Full Moon.
Experience the quiet power of dwelling - not in urgency or expectation, but in the tender expansiveness of what could be. Through guided rest and reflection, you are invited to trust in the beauty of your own unfolding.
This rest circle includes:
a short rest practice to begin
a nourishing aromatic anointing ritual
deep rest with a 35-minute yoga nidra that gently connects you to the quiet seeds of possibility that are resting and dreaming within you
quiet time to journal and reflect
a community of women resting together - whether you join live or listen to the replay
The Rest Circle is held online through Zoom, so you can rest in the cozy comfort of your own home.
More information
When you sign up for the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link.
After the Rest Circle, you’ll get access to an online portal to receive:
the yoga nidra recording
Getting Started: A Guide to Daring to Rest yoga nidra
Rest Rituals the month
How does sliding scale pricing work?
There is sliding scale pricing for my rest circles. It’s important to me that my rest circles are accessible. Please have a look at this image to determine where you fall on the sliding scale.
Wednesday, February 12
7:00 to 8:00 p.m. M.T.
Theme: I Dwell in Possibility
Rest in the spaciousness of possibility with the February Full Moon.
Experience the quiet power of dwelling - not in urgency or expectation, but in the tender expansiveness of what could be. Through guided rest and reflection, you are invited to trust in the beauty of your own unfolding.
This rest circle includes:
a short rest practice to begin
a nourishing aromatic anointing ritual
deep rest with a 35-minute yoga nidra that gently connects you to the quiet seeds of possibility that are resting and dreaming within you
quiet time to journal and reflect
a community of women resting together - whether you join live or listen to the replay
The Rest Circle is held online through Zoom, so you can rest in the cozy comfort of your own home.
More information
When you sign up for the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link.
After the Rest Circle, you’ll get access to an online portal to receive:
the yoga nidra recording
Getting Started: A Guide to Daring to Rest yoga nidra
Rest Rituals the month
How does sliding scale pricing work?
There is sliding scale pricing for my rest circles. It’s important to me that my rest circles are accessible. Please have a look at this image to determine where you fall on the sliding scale.
What is a rest circle?
Rest Circles are a combination of yoga nidra, seasonal poetry, aromatics, quiet self-reflection, and community.
The Rest Circle is held online through Zoom, so you can rest in the cozy comfort of your own home. You have the option to turn on your camera/microphone or keep it off. When you register for a rest circle, you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link and other important information.
You always have access to the yoga nidra recording for a whole month after the Rest Circle.
Plus, you have access to the private online portal to receive some nourishing rest rituals for the month.
New to yoga nidra? Read this.